Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This week we are expanding blogs and wikis and learning more about using citations. It was a delight to find out that my knowledge in some small area was exceeding those around me. I find it increasingly more comfortable to navigate. When I first tried to follow Jo's directions for Flickr, I got lost and then discovered I was not navigating accurately. I am becoming more comfortable with my different web addresses as well. In a way, I find it almost scary that I can be comfortable doing these things because I thought only those much more adept in technology could handle such chores.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Aggregator Part I

So today I started with the aggregator. It took a while to work it out and I found it interesting that my biggest hurdle was just being more perceptive of the page in front of me. When I went to add blogs, I missed a step. The bottom line: As I learn, I need to be aware of my need to notice what is in front of me. In so many cases, the page in front of me is user-friendly if I am a friendly user.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Oh my goodness. I suspected this course would take me places I did not know existed but I am still delighted to see this happen. The blog I had some awareness. Not much, and certainly no ability to use one.
The wiki I had heard overtures about. I was anxious to get mine started and now I have met the aggregator concept. I am fascinated by the connectivity of all that I see. Amazed is an understatement; shocked is more like it. It is like discovering a new world, or at least a continent, or at the very least a rather large unknown island.
I can't wait to see how this is going to work.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


  • So now I have a blog and have started a Wiki. I am aware of the world of blogs for the first time. I have no idea how to use my Wiki but I can see that knowledge coming in the very near future.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Adventures with Wikis

Today I tackled the Wiki and struggled to get an image loaded by following the directions. Jo's directions would have made it too easy in retrospect. My wife helped me and it was different from what she knew but together we got it done.
I love this stuff. I get really intimidated by anything I don't know how to do and I think it goes back to my youth and needless insecurities. In truth, I am fairly adept at solving problems but I have a fear that I cannot. Thus these daily confrontations with the unknown are a needed part of my personal growth.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Beginning to blog

Beginning to blog is totally foreign and cool. My wife has a blog for her newspaper and I often feel out of the loop because of my lack of blogging knowledge. She is kind enough to not chide me about this.
I am really curious to see where all this leads. I hear about Facebook, Twitter, Wikis and more and have no idea about what these are all about. Communicating with a larger audience seems to be a common and neat experience.
So here it is: My first blog. Funny to think I am writing to myself but in a form that can extend beyond a first person audience.