Thursday, April 15, 2010


Have you ever opened a door to a room and discovered an unbelievable store of valuables behind it? That is the experience I had this week when I discovered the world of podcasts, and yes, once again, I found out that not many others are familiar with them
Like me, they had heard of podcasts but the idea that iTunes has 150,000 of them or the concept of iTunesU was foreign to all.
So what to do? In terms of creating them, I am in shock, although we did a skit this week in class to bring a piece of Caesar to life that went incredibly well and my wheels began to turn. Why not video tape these things and if they go well, podcast them?
More pertinently, I need to start the search to find podcasts to enrich classroom lessons. Evidently, the material available is endless and increasing. This is amazing that at the age of 59, I am being re-created as a classroom teacher. The tools I have accessed in this class are creating an entirely new learning environment for me and my students. I have enclosed my Podcast.
Thanks Jo!

1 comment:

  1. From audio to video podcasts... good! Mike, you can create video podcasts on Windows computers, but it's so much easier and more fun on Macs. Be sure to learn to use GarageBand and iMovie to create video podcasts. They're excellent tools.
